How Well Do You Know Hazel Grace?

There are many people that have read TFiOS by John Green. Some just scanned through. Others did the feels shower read. It's one of my favourites. Countinue.

Do YOU know all about hazel grace? Do you have the strength and endurance to go through this quiz? You could only wonder until now! Take just a few minutes to take this quiz!

Created by: Jaimeeeee
  1. What does Hazels mom want hazel to go to?
  2. What type of cancer did hazel start out with?
  3. What name does Hazel call the oxygen pump beside her bed?
  4. What is hazels last name?
  5. What guy does hazel meet in support group?
  6. What's hazels favorite book?
  7. What does hazel say to flirt with Augustus?
  8. What does hazel call Augustus?
  9. Who took Hazel to Amsterdam?
  10. Does Hazel die at the end of the book?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Hazel Grace?