How well do you know Harry Potter(the whole series)

there are many smart people who claim to know harry potter but that is because they have seen the movies. so technially they dont know harry potter...

are you a harry potter fan? i am . this quiz will tell you if you are sooooooo spin your mouse over here and take it!!!!!!!!!well come on take it i dare you

Created by: shomama123

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. where is harrys first bedroom
  2. what are the names of harrys only living relatives
  3. who gives harry his acceptance letter into hogwarts
  4. what was the platform name for the hogwarts train
  5. where did harry get his wand from
  6. what is the name of harrys two best friends
  7. do you think this quiz is stupid
  8. what is voldemorts real name
  9. what is the spell harry uses to kill voldemort
  10. who does harry end up with in the epilouge
  11. did you like my quiz

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Harry Potter(the whole series) You can find more quizzes like this one in our Harry Potter Quiz category.