How well do you know Harry Potter?

You will be tested on how much you know of the HP, Harry Potter, series. This is the true test if you do not count pottermore's quizzes. Do my others.

The name is HPQudditch07. I am the biggest HP or Harry Potter fan in the world that I know of anyways. Thank you for taking my quiz!!!! Remember to tell your friends.

Created by: HPQuidditch07
  1. Who quoted " Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one remembers to turn on the light"?
  2. Who is the potions teacher?
  3. Who taught divination in the 5th book in chapter 27 The Centaur and the sneak?
  4. Who is the first animagus we see?
  5. What broom did Sirius give Harry?
  6. What book had the first werewolf in?
  7. What is the 5th book title?
  8. Who is the no nosed freak called?
  9. Who is the main character? Clue is in title and the clue is in the name.
  10. How many books?
  11. Who died in the department of mysteries?
  12. Who killed Sirius?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Harry Potter?

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