How well do you Know Harry Potter?

There are a lot of wonderful wizards out there. I bet at one point ALL of those wizards got some answers wrong, failed tests or even cheated! But did they give up? No! So neither should you!

Are YOU the ultimate Harry Potter genius? Have YOU took TONS and TONS of Harry Potter tests? Well, this will sum all of those tests right up! I wish you good luck?

Created by: notKnown

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is Minister for Magic after Rufus?
  2. What is Percy's Girlfriends last name? Penelope ________
  3. What is Voldemorts Mothers name?
  4. What is Draco Malfoys Childs Name?
  5. What is Sirius Black?
  6. Who is Peter Pettigrew?
  7. Who killed Cedric
  8. Who had an Invisibility cloak?
  9. Who kills Dumbledore
  10. What is the symbol of Ravenclaw?
  11. What is the first Horcruxes Harry found?
  12. Who does Harry meet while he is getting his robes in book 1?
  13. And to finish it off, Who was the spider Harry and Ron met in the Forest?

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Quiz topic: How well do I Know Harry Potter?