How Well Do You Know Harry Potter's Personal Life?

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I hope you like this quiz on Harry's personal life. He would have wanted this if he were actually alive XDDD but really hoped you liked my quiz, and take my other quiz too.

Are you a Harry Potter fan? If you are take this quiz and if you think you know everything about Harry Potter this might prove you sooooo wrong *do not get upset abouut the results please*

Created by: Natajha Castle
  1. What is Harry's middle name?
  2. What are Harry's best freinds names?
  3. What is Harry's least favorite teachers name?
  4. Who was Harry's 3 year defense against the dark arts teachers name?
  5. Who did Harry marry in year7 *epilouge*
  6. Who gave Harry his lightning scar?
  7. Who is harrys godfather?
  8. What is harrys fathers name?
  9. What is harrys fathers name?
  10. Do you love Harry Potter? *there is no correct answer just click the first*

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Harry Potter's Personal Life? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Harry Potter Quiz category.