How well do you know Harry Potter?

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This quiz will show how much of a potterhead you are . Get all the questions right βœ… and get something to brag about! If you're lucky enough, you will receive a huge gift in the end!

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Created by: Ming
  1. which of these characters have been omitted from the movies?
  2. Which of the following are NOT Voldemort's army of death eaters?
  3. Dumbledore Asks snape to kill him.
  4. Which of the following is Hermione's patronus?
  5. Alohomora is a standard spell for...
  6. Which of these spells is NOT invented by the half-blood prince?
  7. What does Daco Malfoy take from Nevile Longbottom in their first year?
  8. Was Hermione Harry and Ron's friend from the beginning?
  9. What kind of wood is Harry's first wand made out of?
  10. What fake name does Harry use while attending Bill and Fleur's wedding in disguise in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?
  11. In the book version of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, who finds Harry on the Hogwarts Express after Malfoy breaks his nose and leaves him under the Invisibility Cloak?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Harry Potter?
