how well do you know harley quinn?

There are many smart people,but a few true geniuses.means that you are extraordinary clever nimd,able to solve anyt problem.and see things from a different point of view.

You are truly a genius from within.everyone has the brainpower to learn and change.keep up ypur confidence and you will reach som point in you life where you Will succeed..thanks..enjoy the quiz

Created by: harley rox
  1. What is her (real) hair color?
  2. who is her (female)enemy?
  3. Why did she kiss batman?
  4. What power did poison ivy give to her?
  5. She developed a crush on deadshot.yay or nay?
  6. She had grandaughters.what are they're names?
  7. What is poison ivy's real name?
  8. What one of these harley quotes were used at least once by harley?
  9. What is poison ivy's nickname which was given by harley?
  10. What is the colo of harley's suicide squad outfit?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know harley quinn?