How well do you know H2O- Just add Water

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Hi! To see how well you know your H2O take this quiz! It is easy and just for fun so dont take it too seriously. But if you do I hope you still have fun.

There will be a series of 14 questions and answer your best. The questions arent too hard and if you watch the show I think you will do very good. Have fun!!

Created by: Sophie
  1. Who are the 5 MERMAIDS
  2. Who is Wills sister
  3. Who is Emmas FIRST boyfriend
  4. Who is Cleos sister
  5. Who is Elliot
  6. Who is Annette?
  7. Who is Cleos boyfriend?
  8. How long does it take for them to become mermaids
  9. What happens on the lunar eclipse
  10. Where is Rikkis favorite place to go
  11. Your a chickenwing is the Juicenet called in season 3
  12. What is Bellas hobby
  13. How old was Bella when she became a mermaid
  14. Where did Bella become a mermaid

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Quiz topic: How well do I know H2O- Just add Water

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