How well do you know GTA 5?

How well do you know GTA 5? Let's find out! Make sure you have played GTA 5 aka Grand Theft Auto 5. Remember don't cheat, don't look on the internet. Ok?

I am not telling you any of the answers on this quiz. None, None not a zip NO NO NO make me tell you the answers, now ha I knew you couldn't, whatever just play the quiz

Created by: xboxplayz29
  1. When did GTA 5 get released?
  2. Who was the characters in the mission "Prologue"?
  3. How many protagonists are there in GTA 5?
  4. Who are the three protagonists?
  5. Who played "Trevor" in GTA 5?
  6. What optional final mission do you have to kill Michael?
  7. Who are the developers of GTA 5?
  8. What color is Franklin's theme color?
  9. What protagonist appears in GTA Online?
  10. Which mission is the #52 Mission in GTA 5.

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Quiz topic: How well do I know GTA 5?
