How well do you know "Frozen"?

There are many people out there that have seen frozen, but only some are smart enough to really know it. Are you one of those people? Well how's your chance to find out!!

Do you know Frozen? How many times have you seen it to be genius? You probably wonder, do I really know frozen, and this quiz will tell you how much you know.

Created by: Sarah

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who sings "In Summer"?
  2. What is the first song that plays?
  3. Who is Olaf?
  4. Who is the villain?
  5. What's unique about Elsa?
  6. Who says "hey guys we totally lost marshmallow back there"?
  7. What song does Elsa sing?
  8. Does summer ever come back?
  9. Who dies?
  10. What does Anna say Hans's best friends name is?
  11. These last 2 questions will not affect your score, it's your own opinion: Who is your favorite character?
  12. Do you like Hans?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know "Frozen"?