How well do you know 'Friends'?

There are plenty of people who catch the odd episode of Friends on TV but only a few people have watched every single episode more than once and know the characters like their best friends!

Have you watched every episode, are you worthy of the title of 'Ruler of the Friends'? These questions are some of the hardest you'll find in this country! Give them a shot...

Created by: nobbob
  1. What name is Chandler's TV guide sent to him every week?
  2. What job does Phoebe first think her dad has?
  3. What was Joey's dancer room mate called? (Sorry if miss-spelt)
  4. What was the profession of Joey's imaginary friend?
  5. Rachel's two sisters are called:
  6. How many siblings does Joey have?
  7. According to Phoebe why would you date Rachel?
  8. What did Ross do in High School that he blamed on Chandler?
  9. These questions are just so I can review my quizzes. Did you enjoy this quiz?
  10. Out of these which quiz should I do next?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know 'Friends'?