How Well Do You Know "Frankenstein"?

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"Frankenstein" is the fictional story of a young scientist who creates his own creature from the parts of dead bodies. Instead of taking responsibility for his scientific experiment, Victor Frankenstein abandons it.

The major conflict in the novel is Frankenstein's inability to understand that his actions have consequences. This gothic novel explores themes of life and death and poses the question of what really makes someone a monster.

Created by: Merricat
  1. Who wrote "Frankenstein"?
  2. When was "Frankenstein" originally published?
  3. "Frankenstein" is often considered the first novel of which genre?
  4. "Frankenstein" is an epistolary novel. What is an epistolary novel?
  5. What is "Frankenstein" also known as?
  6. In which era does "Frankenstein" take place?
  7. The novel first introduces Robert Walton, a captain on an expedition to...
  8. Captain Robert Walton communicates with a woman named Margaret. Who is she?
  9. Where was Victor Frankenstein born?
  10. Who is Henry Clerval?
  11. Who is Caroline Beaufort, and what causes her death?
  12. Victor Frankenstein's interest in science sparked at a young age when he read the works of...
  13. The creature steals food from a family called the DeLacys. In order to make up for this, the creature...
  14. What does the creature learn from observing the DeLacys?
  15. What does the creature demand from Victor Frankenstein?
  16. Who murders William Frankenstein, and who gives a false confession to the murder?
  17. Which character was strangled on her wedding night?
  18. What causes the death of Victor Frankenstein

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know "Frankenstein"?
