How Well Do You Know FNAF?

There are many people who are just coo coo for the game, and some wouldn't care at all. But when you take this quiz you will know most everything about the game.

Do you have what it takes to take sych a hard quiz? Lets test your skills when it comes to being part of a fandom. Hehe, how much do you know about the game? Lets find out!

Created by: Lizzy Pines of
(your link here more info)
  1. Okay, who did the bite of '87?
  2. How much money do you get in FNAF 2?
  3. Who is, according to the men, the sexiest animatronic?
  4. What does chica play?
  5. What are the second line of animatronics called?
  6. What are the correct spellings for each characters?
  7. What is the name of the gaurd in fnaf1?
  8. Name of gaurd(s) in fnaf2.
  9. What is in Springtrap?
  10. Who is best character (choose wisely, this will affect your score!)?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know FNAF? You can find more quizzes like this one in our FNaF Quiz category.