How well do you know Firesoul? (firestar :P)

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Hehe..I did the wrong quiz thing xD But oh well, something new for once perhaps? x3 Herm..herm..herm...HAI BLAZE! HAI SNAKE! HAI SKY! HAI SILVER! HAI LILLY! HAI OTHER PPL THAT I KNOW xD (or randomers -.-')

How well do you know Fire? Take this EPIC NARWHAL WAFFLE CHEESECAKE MUFFIN SPARKLEY Quiz to find out!! xD (isn't that an awesome word? :3) la la la la la o.o

Created by: Firesoul

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What out of these does Fire use more often?
  2. What is the most used animal Fire says when she's with Blaze? (Blazestar)
  3. What's Fire's current fave colour?
  4. What does Fire like better?
  5. Is Fire awesome?
  7. IS...FIRE...AWESOME?!
  8. IS FIRE- lol jk I wouldn't put you through that again xD Do you think Fire's nice?
  9. Does Fire like pink?
  10. Does Fire read warriors?
  11. How many times was Fire a premium?
  12. Ok, last question..How many pets does Fire have?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Firesoul? (firestar :P)