How well do you know Finnick from the Hunger Games?

This quiz is going to tell you how much you know about Finnick from The Hunger Games series! If you haven't read the books I reccomend you do not take this quiz.

Are you a Finnick know it all or do you nothing about him? Well after you answer 10 quick questions you will know! You just have to scroll down and start the quiz!

Created by: Finnick Fangirl
  1. What is Finnick's last name?
  2. Who did Finnick get married to?
  3. Finish the sentence! "Why do you find this______"
  4. What District is he from?
  5. What was Finnick's fave weapon?
  6. Finish the sentence! "We just saw Finnick Odair in his ____"
  7. Was Mags Finnick's mentor?
  8. What did Finnick offer Katniss in Catching Fire?
  9. Did Finnick die?
  10. Did you adore this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Finnick from the Hunger Games?