How well do you know Fast Food History?

This is a quiz. a good quiz some might say. This is a Good quiz. Now, go to the bathroom so that you don't have to go through the quiz, and remember to have fun!

This is a quiz. a good quiz some might say. This is a Good quiz. I love fast food. I hope you do to. This quiz took a long time to make so respect me.

Created by: Jacob
  1. It was not until the year ______, in Wichita, Kansas, that the fast food restaurant was born in the form of the first White Castle restaurant, founded by short-order cook Walter Anderson and former reporter Edgar W. “Billy" Ingram. Up until that time, hamburgers were mainly sold at fairs and from food carts, and most people considered them to be a low-quality food.Fill in the blank.
  2. What year was the classic Fast Food Restaurant, McDonald's founded in?
  3. where was the 1st Burger King invented?
  4. Is Fast Food _______ or ________?Fill in the Blanks
  5. what year is it know?
  6. In China, the classic Fast Food Restaurant, Tale Of The Ching Chongs, sells ______ meat in their burgers.Fill in the blanks
  7. In the year 2014, a white man from the US tried to close down 3 Restaurants in China because they sold _______ in their burgers. Fill in the blanks
  8. Do you like Fast Food?
  9. If a Fast Food Restaurant owner sold human in their food, they-
  10. Fast Food is _______Fill in the blanks

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Fast Food History?
