How well do you know Fairytail?

This quiz is for Fairytail fans. Some of them think they know Fairytail so well when they don't and others think the exact opposite. So this is the moment of truth!!!

Think you know Fairytail? Think you're a true fan? Find out in this quiz! You'll find out if you're good or not at being a true Fairytail fan!!!! You probably are though!!!

Created by: EmeeDee
  1. Okay first question! How are you?
  2. Time to be serious...NOT!!! Who does Juvia first go out with?
  3. In one of the first episodes which key does Lucy get and make a contract with?
  4. What is the name of the first opening song?
  5. What is Lyon's last name?
  6. What is the name of the fire dragon?
  7. Who does Happy love?
  8. What day did Juvia and Gray first meet?
  9. Who is Erza's dead childhood friend?😭
  10. And now finally did you like this quiz!

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Fairytail?