How well do you know Ever After High?

A genius. You are a genius or not. who cares. everyone loves in the way you are. They don't see your studies. They see your inner side. Let your brain out because this quiz is all about Ever After High.

Are you a genius? Well, you will find out in a second that are you a genius on ever After High. Take this Quiz and find out. Ever After High Quiz, here we come.

Created by: Ramlah
  1. Who was not there in Way too Wonderland movie?
  2. Who write's the books about ever After High?
  3. C.A Cupid transfered from which school?
  4. How many children does Prince Charming has?
  5. When were Dexter and Darling Charming born?
  6. In Ever After High what do they call Maleficent?
  7. Who are the Ever After High twin's
  8. Which company made Ever After High?
  9. What does a Rebel do?
  10. What subject does Raven Queen hate?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Ever After High?