How Well Do You Know Dragons?

Hello you like those fire breathers? Well they are my core. Today we will figure out how much you know about dragons. If you don't know enough than weep you are dumb.

So welcome I must ask why have you come here, because you're bored? Offensive. Wwell lets see if you're smart. Here walk into this smart ray, come on its just a smart ray if something goes wrong you won't get killed.

Created by: copper dragon
  1. Can dragons be harmed by a normal sword?
  2. Can dragons only breathe fire?
  3. Are dragons good or evil?
  4. A dragon had 32 sheep he dropped 3/8 of them how many did he lose.
  5. Was there a dragon slayer named beowolf.
  6. Do dragons talk in human speech (English, Hebrew, spanich, etc)?
  7. Am I confusing you ok oh that's the next question can dragons confuse you without speaking.
  8. Two fakes one truth.
  9. Two fakes one truth.
  10. Did you like this?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Dragons?

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