How well do you know dogs?

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Are you a dog lover? Are dogs like the BEST animals in the world? Do you love your dog? Well look no further, this is the quiz for you! It’s my fifth quiz ever I hope you enjoy it!

As I said, dogs are the best animals in the world but they only stay with us for a short time, (in memory of my dead dog Cocoa) so enjoy them while we have them, enjoy!

Created by: K K
  1. Which dog breed is naturally def?
  2. Which is the best family dog
  3. Which of these is the most protective dog breed
  4. Which of these is a natural escape artist
  5. Which of these is the smallest
  6. Which breed was the girl star of Lady and the Tramp?
  7. Which is a great swimmer
  8. Which breed stared in the movie, Air Buddies?
  9. Which breed knows when it’s owner is sad/happy/scared best?
  10. This is not the most accurate quiz in the world. Okay just pick one, good luck! ; )

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Quiz topic: How well do I know dogs?
