How well do you know disney's phineas and ferb tv show?

Many people watch phineas and ferb. Take my mom for one example! When she saw on netflix that there were no more seasons, she nearly cried! Do you want to know how well you know phineas and ferb? Do you want to test your t. V skills? If your answer is yes, then ferb, I know what we're going to do today! :)

Phineas and ferb, they rock! All fans, take this quiz!!

Created by: mybfrocks
  1. how are phineas and ferb related?
  2. what is candace's middle name?
  3. who is isabella?
  4. do phineas and ferb have a pet?
  5. if they do, what is his/her name?
  6. if they have a pet, is he/she a secret agent?
  7. who is the bully?
  8. is he/she a bully all the way to the core?
  9. who is phineas and ferb's sister?
  10. is isabella a firesite girl?
  11. who is ferb's crush?
  12. if phineas and ferb had a pet, and if that pet were and agent, who would his/her nemisis be?
  13. does dr. doofenshmirtz have an ex-wife?
  14. did linda have a crazy past she doesn't like to talk about?
  15. what is her "crazy past?"

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Quiz topic: How well do I know disney's phineas and ferb tv show?