How well do you know Decepticon Blackjack?

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Blackjack was a great Decepticon to be with. So why take this quiz and see how well do you know blackjack at all costs for transformers fans for this.

How well do you know blackjack? Take this quiz and see how your driver’s license for the Decepticons goes well for your stuff and maybe you are evil or not?! =D

Created by: Peter Cullen
  1. What is Blackjack’s car mode?
  2. What is Blackjack’s color?
  3. Blackjack is what?
  4. What combiner team is Blackjack part of?
  5. What subgroup is Blackjack apart of?
  6. Who is Blackjack’s Autobot Counterpart?
  7. What does Blackjack form?
  8. What does Blackjack replace?
  9. Who does Blackjack work for?
  10. Who is Blackjack’s Best Friend?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Decepticon Blackjack?
