How well do you know Dalddie

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well howdy! time to see how well yall listen to my constant rambling or read through my corner in the server! I won't be disappointed in how you score, but im curious to see who knows me best ;;)

These questions are kinda random and I apologize. I'm horrible at trying to pick questions for people to guess about my life but enjoy! And good luck at the hunger gayms <3

Created by: Emma
  1. Whats my dads nickname?
  2. How did I meet Kaycie?
  3. Whats my favorite color?
  4. Whats my favorite food?
  5. Whats my favorite animal?
  6. Whats my biggest pet peeve?
  7. What's Kaycies Husbands name?
  8. How did Damon and I meet?
  9. What was Damon and I's first date?
  10. True or False: Fanta is younger than Finn
  11. What breed is fanta?
  12. What was I going to major in college?
  13. How many tattoos do I have
  14. Which tattoo did I get to remember Damon?
  15. Favorite Wine cooler

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Dalddie
