How well do you know Crowfeather?

Crowfeather is a very dynamic cat with many conflicting emotions at this point in the Warriors series. How well do you really know him and his allegiances?

I know not many people like Crowfeather because of his rough and rude nature but he truly is just a sad soul that has lost so much and therefore leaves Breezepelt in the cold.

Created by: Crowfeather Rocks

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who was Crowfeather's mentor?
  2. What color are Crowfeather's eyes?
  3. How many kits does Crowfeather have?
  4. Who did Crowfeather mentor:Heatherpaw or Breezepaw?
  5. What Clan is Crowfeather from?
  6. Who is Crowfeather's mother?
  7. Who is Crowfeather's father?
  8. When was Crowfeather born?
  9. Who was Crowfeather's brother?
  10. What color is Crowfeather?
  11. What was Crowfeather's apprentice name?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Crowfeather?