How well do you know Cricket? (WoF)

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Hello! Welcome to the How well do you know Cricket quiz! Please note that the Cricket I am talking about is from the Fantasy book series Wings of Fire, written by Tui T Sutherland, not the sport or the character from the TV show Big City Greens. Thanks!

Once again I give credit to the artists I use the art of. they are so amazing and they truly do something that I could never do. Thanks again! -OrbWeaverTheHiveWing

Created by: OrbWeaverTheHiveWing
  1. What was Cricket's first line?
  2. How old is Cricket?
  3. What is the name of the dragonet Cricket rescues in 'The Hive Queen?'
  4. Who is Cricket shipped with?
  5. Who is Crickets mother?
  6. Who is Cricket's father?
  7. Is Cricket...
  8. Who is Crickets sister?
  9. What is Crickets name?
  10. Was this Quiz ridiculous?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Cricket? (WoF)
