How well do you know Channing Tatum?

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There are a lot of smart people out there...but are YOU smart enough to compleate this quiz? Come on, give it a try! You won;t be sorry and hey, you might even learn something!

Do you have what it takes to get 100% on this quiz?? This quiz is a fun, easy way to waste time and test your brain! Have fun and make sure you don't cheat!

Created by: Ally of this site
(your link here more info)
  1. Where was Channing Tatum born?
  2. What is Channing's middle name?
  3. What is Channing's favorite color?
  4. When is Channing's birthday?
  5. What is Channing's wifes name?
  6. How many siblings does Channing have?
  7. In what grade did Channing get sent to military school?
  8. In which state did Channing play college football?
  9. Is Channing part Irish?
  10. Do you like this quiz?
  11. Did Channing Tatum star in Step Up 2?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Channing Tatum?