How Well Do You Know Canadians?

So you think you're worthy to be crowned Canadian know it all, eh? Well, in that case, join the quiz of doom... Lol! I'm making it sound like it's a game.

Alrighty ya'lls, your about to take the most funist, awesomest, amazingest quiz EVER! No, that's a total lie. Imma just hope you take the quiz and enjoy.

Created by: Dat Person
  1. How is this word said?
  2. When do Canadians celebrate Independence Day?
  3. Who is the current Canadian Prime Minister?
  4. How is this word spelled?
  5. How do you properly use "eh" in a sentence?
  6. Complete the sentence. With glowing hearts...
  7. Which one of these statements are true?
  8. Which Canadian soldier died in WW2?
  9. Which one of these foods originated in Canada?
  10. Which of these are NOT a province?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Canadians?
