How Well Do You Know BTS?

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Welcome to the quiz of testing out to see if you're a true ARMY! If you're just here to mess around, go away! If you're here to check out to see how well you know the group, come on! Don't just stand there!

Just a reminder though, most of these questions could be usually basic facts. I might do another one that's more challenging later on. Anyways, go right on and take this quiz! PS: Don't forget to check out my other quizzes!

Created by: Pandora
  1. When was BTS's debut date?
  2. Who's positions is this: Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist?
  3. Which of these are from “Map Of The Soul: 7” ?
  4. Who's known as the Golden Maknae?
  5. What show did RM learn English?
  6. Who was the last member to be revealed?
  7. True or False: Jimin joined the group last + trained for the shortest amount of time.
  8. Where did J-Hope audition, but did not pass?
  9. Which of these are on the “Dark & Wild” album?
  10. What song did they get their first win?
  11. How many days did they win 1st place? (After their debut)
  12. True or False: Suga's birthplace was in Daegu.
  13. Last Question: What's the titled of their debut album?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know BTS?
