How Well Do You Know Bratayley?

This is a quiz about Bratayley. If you have not seen Bratayley before go check it out, it is a awesome YouTube channel. You can challenge yourself by not going to check out Bratayley.

Are YOU a Bratayley fan? Do you watch all the videos? This quiz is going to find out, so get ready.

Created by: Nicole
  1. What is Annie's real name?
  2. What is Annie's dog's name?
  3. What is sports does Annie do?
  4. Who is Annie's gymnastics coach?
  5. Who are the dogs in the Bratayley family?
  6. Which country does Bratayley lives in?
  7. Which state does Bratayley lives in?
  8. Who is the youngest person in Bratayley?
  9. Who are the parents of the Bratayley family?
  10. Who is Annie and Hayley's dance teacher?

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