How Well Do You Know Boys?

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This quiz/test will see if you know your stuff about the male species... a.k.a aliens, cute aliens that we like to flirt with. If your taken i dont recommend this quiz for you....

Are YOU a boy genius? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out! Stop asking "is he in to me?" With this quiz you'll find out for sure!

Created by: Aria
  1. When He Punches Your Arm He...
  2. If He Stares At You That Means...
  3. Squirrels Are....
  4. Do Guys Like Sluts?
  5. True or False: Guys Are All The Same
  6. How Many Types Of Guys Are There??
  7. What Are They Called?
  8. What's His Fave Song?
  9. True or False: Guys LOVE Flirts
  10. Guys Love...

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Boys?