How Well do You Know Blood on the Dance Floor Lyrics?

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Many people all over the world claim to be fans of bands, but they only like the band or singer because of the beat, and barely pay attention to the lyrics. If you listen to Blood on the Dance Floor, this quiz can tell you whether or not you really pay attention to the lyrics!

This quiz was created by California Starr. All songs and lyrics belong to Blood on the Dance Floor. She is in no way associated with Blood on the Dance Floor. Enjoy.

Created by: California Starr
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. "(?) and a bottle 'rum we go, it's my duty to please that booty."
  2. "Can't stop, won't stop, on my way to the top. (?)! (?)! Set back, set back, you don't know you like that! (?)! (?)!"
  3. "You've got me (?), 'cause I'm under your spell. You must be a witch, 'cause I am living in Hell."
  4. "You don't need a cape to save the day, make your own faith to (?)"
  5. "(?), they end up in ditches, so get the riches!"
  6. "Jet black diamond hair, people stare, I don't care, want a taste? Sure, I'll share, gotta be big, I'll get you there. Glammed up, fabulous! (?)! So vicious, delicious!"
  7. "I can see the writing on the wall. I won't beg and I won't crawl. I hope you feel like you're two feet tall; (?)!"
  8. "I destroy everything I touch, even things I love too much. I am cursed with these hands, they will never understand. I don't want to let you go, (?)"
  9. Blood on the Dance Floor is. . .
  10. Now that you're done, you're going to. . .

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Blood on the Dance Floor Lyrics?