How well do you know Blixemi's Songs?

Do you think you know Blixemi's songs? Do you really? Hmmm... well, you can find out if you do or not here! Please enjoy this quiz, and remember to have fun!

Disclaimer: All songs listed below are by Blixemi. All characters listed below are from the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. I do not know of other quizzes like this, nor do I mean to copy them. I would appreciate no copying or tracing. No hate in the comments, please!

Created by: Cats17
  1. Which song is based off of Briarlight?
  2. Jayfeather?
  3. Alderpaw?
  4. Brightheart
  5. Nightcloud?
  6. Which song does the following lyric come from?"Do I embrace my pride and ally with the darkside?'
  7. Which song does the following lyric come from?"Come on Leafkit I've never gone out at night before!"
  8. Which song does the following lyric come from?"Can't find my place in these walls."
  9. Which song does the following lyric come from?"You've got nothing but time left now..."
  10. Which song does the following lyric come from?"The stormy wind carried along my wearied withered feathers."

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Blixemi's Songs?
