How well do you know black ops 2

Please take this quiz it would mean so much to me if you did and your knowledge on call of duty black ops 2 is based on this so i know you'll love it.

You guys are so awesome and cool i don't get people to take my quiz and i know since i made this one about black ops 2 i knew i would get more people.

Created by: tewan
  1. Who is the main character partner's name?
  2. What is the "main" villian's name?
  3. What is the person's name who is rescued first in the game?
  4. What is the main character's father's name?
  5. What is the main character's name.
  6. Which multiplayer map is the biggest?
  7. Which weapon isn't used in the past? (Example:what weapon wasn't used in the 1900s?
  8. What character isn't in the black ops 2 game.
  9. Who is the person who cracks the celerium worm?
  10. Who is the villian's sidekick.
  11. Who is the villian's sidekick.
  12. What is the name of the scorestreak where you can call in a wave dogs?
  13. What scorestreak isn't in black ops 2 ?
  14. What color are the zombies eyes?
  15. What weapon do you have to buy in order to play online with?
  16. What is the name of the remote controlled scorestreak online?
  17. Last question sadly:0 Who is the most awesome.

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Quiz topic: How well do I know black ops 2