How Well Do You Know Billie Eilish Songs?

You ready? Some of you might've been born ready, as I am, since I'm the #1 fan. I live for her music, and I can't wait until next week, when she releases her new single, "My Future". #lovebillie.

Now, for those of you who don't know her, you probably won't ace. These questions are from different songs, so if you only heard bad guy, leave. Jk, but trust me. You won't succeed.

Created by: #1 Billie fan
  1. Finish the lyrics: white shirt, now red-
  2. Finish the lyrics: don't be cautious, don't be kind-
  3. I've been walking through-
  4. Walking out of town-
  5. You should see me in a crown-
  6. My doctors can't explain-
  7. Tore my shirt to stop you bleeding-
  8. Today I'm thinking about-
  9. This ones easy. But now I gotta-
  10. If teardrops, could be bottled,-
  11. You talk about me, but you swear-
  12. I'll sit and-
  13. Don't love me like he-
  14. Told you not to worry-

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Billie Eilish Songs?
