How well do you know big time rush?

Many people know Big Time Rush and this quiz will be the quiz to see if you know it as much as a SUPERFAN like me!!!!!! So take the quiz and see.. If its too easy you really know big time rush!

Do you know Big Time Rush as much as you think?? If you think so take the quiz! What is Kendall's last name? Who is the bands Bodyguard? If you are a true fan you will know this all!!!

Created by: Kayla
  1. True or False.. On the first episode of Big Time Rush Gustavo only wants Kendall to go with him to Hollywood
  2. What is the name of Big Time Rush's Bodyguard
  3. Who are the Hollywood Super Party Kings Of Hollywood
  4. Who's dad is a cop?
  5. What is the name of Carlos's girlfriend that Gustavo sets him up with?
  6. Who does James kiss on theepisode Big Time Girlfriend?
  7. What is Carlos's real last name outside of the show?
  8. What is James last name outside of the show?
  9. What is Logan's last name outside of the show?
  10. What is Kendall's name outside of the show?
  11. What is the name of the famous dog on Big Time Rush?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know big time rush?