How Well Do You Know Betta Fish?

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In this quiz you will find out if you have done enough research on Betta fish and other facts you may have come across whilst researching and if you find out things that you didn't know before!

Hopefully you'll have fun whilst doing this quiz and find out if you know enough about Betta fish before you get one for yourself..... Good luck!!! :)

Created by: Caiden
  1. Which colour can a Betta fish NOT be?
  2. What do Betta fish make their nests out of?
  3. How big is the average Betta fish?
  4. Are Betta fish....
  5. What are Betta fish also referred too?
  6. Which of these statements are NOT true?
  7. Who looks after Betta fish young?
  8. What was the most expensive Betta fish sold for?
  9. How long does the average Betta fish live for?
  10. How big can a Betta fish bubble nest get to?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Betta Fish?
