how well do you know ¨BECKBROJACK¨

some take the right quizes,some dont.i hope you enjoy this quiz,its my first one.dont let your brain sweat we will all know if your lame or not.maybe in the middle is you,maybe not.

are you a true BBJ fan?do you think your lame or cool?do you know who BBJ is?well,we will know soon.on your mark,get set,think!(P.S.if you watched the guns mod,mention your favorite part in the comments):)

Created by: bossofthewin1120
  1. where does BBJ usualy start a video?
  2. what is his usual starting quote?
  3. on the guns mod at the emerald bank what happend?
  4. what is BBJ's skin on minecraft?
  5. what is BBJ's real name?
  6. what is BBJ's age?
  7. he's been on one of the following adventure maps
  8. hes gone on maps with
  9. wich of the following has he done
  10. does he watch his videos often?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know ¨BECKBROJACK¨