How well do you know bart?

Ther are people that think they know bart simpson well, but accualy they dont. Try this Quiz to see if you are a bart simpson freak. Yeah i dont know what to say so i will just stop tal....

Are you a Bart simpsons Freak? Do you know Bart well? Then try this quiz and see if you are a Bart Simpsons Freak. Why is this Pharagraph under the other thats wierd.

Created by: ?????
  1. What is the colour is Bart's shirt?
  2. What is the colour of Barts pants?
  3. What is Barts full name?
  4. What is Bart teacher called?
  5. What is Bart alergic to?
  6. What does Bart call Homer?
  7. Which skater did bart run away with?
  8. Who is Barts best friend?
  9. Complete Barts sentance. What the ...
  10. What is Barts Skateboard colour?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know bart?