How well do you know barbie?

Welcome and many people think they know barbie very well so let's see :) TAKE THIS QUIZ to find out how well you know BARBIE :) (: I hope you have fun !

I request you to not cheat because it will be for your own good!!!❤ have dndff and please enjoy!:) lots of love💗💗💗💗💗 Don't forget to check out more quizzes 😘

Created by: Sinthia kate
  1. When was barbie made ?
  2. Who is barbie's boyfriend?
  3. How many sisters does barbie have?
  4. What is barbie's middle name?
  5. What is barbie's last name?
  6. How old is barbie as in 2015 ?
  7. What is barbie's full name?
  8. What is barbie's favourite colour?
  9. If barbie could be a ice-cream flavour which one would she be?
  10. Who does barbie like the most?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know barbie?
