How well do you know bandi

Bandi is a famous youtuber and makes gaming videos. I am a big fan and think you should subscribe to his channel. I love him and therefore, created this quiz on him.

Quiz is always fun. Whether you lose or win, it doesn't matter. This quiz tells you how much you know Bandi. I love him and want to check if you too like him. All the best!

Created by: Kanav, the bandi fan
  1. How old is bandi (Sep 2018)?
  2. Who does bandi not know?
  3. What is Bandi's gang beast username?
  4. Does Bandi play Roblox any more?
  5. Does Bandi have a brother?
  6. What is Bandi's twin's name?
  7. what does bandi play mostly play(sep 2018)?
  8. Who is Ethan?
  9. Why doesn't Bandi play Roblox usually now?
  10. Does Bandi play minecraft?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know bandi
