How Well Do You Know Angelo Rules?

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This quiz will test your knowledge about the show Angelo Rules I hope you like it : ) :) I really hope that this quiz will entertain and amuse you because that is my real goal.

If you really like Angelo Rules then this quiz is for you. Have a go and see what will you get. Are you a fan or a super fan the results will say. Have fun and make sure that you like and live a comment!!

Created by: WATER
  1. Sherwood is allergic of:
  2. Hunter is elena's boyfrend and.
  3. Jo mama is
  4. Pako is
  5. Lola was afraid of.
  6. Lola's kachphrase is.
  7. Tracy and Angelo are.
  8. The best on video games is.
  9. Lola is Angelo's.
  10. Aaaannnddd the last question!!! Manetti's brother with Angelo's brother are.

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Angelo Rules?

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