How well do you know Andromache between worlds?

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Hey guys! I am SO sorry that I haven't posted in TWO DAYS!! Saturday/Friday (depends were you live) was my sisters birthday. Sunday/Saturday I was busy. And today I nearly forgot! But anyway how well do you know Ow Andromache Between worlds?

Also, the Amester ship is now dead. Sylvester, is homophobiac while his ex-girlfriend is bi-sexual. So they broke up (doesn't mean ima stop shipping them).

Created by: Quizuser
  1. Which character is missing?
  2. How do you pronounce the character's name?
  3. What is the first parallel world Andromache and her friends visit?
  4. What is the name of the author?
  5. Who is Lady Black?
  6. True or false? Andromache is a ancient Greek name?
  7. What accent does Rylee have?
  8. What happened to Tobias's parents?
  9. What is the name of Crossbow's dinosaur?
  10. Why did Andromache get expelled?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Andromache between worlds?
