How well do you know American Girl Doll Julie Albright?

Ya know, some people are true toy collectors. I happen to be a doll collector, and was wondering how much you knew about my favorite doll, Julie Albright.

To find out how much you know about Julie, just take this simple quiz. It is surprisingly easy, so even the old people could do it(if they wanted to!) Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Meg Leelak
  1. What color is Julie's hair?
  2. Who is Julie's best friend?
  3. What is Julie's rabbit's name?
  4. Julie's parents are divorced.
  5. Julie lives in Kentucky.
  6. What hair style does Ivy do Julie all the time?
  7. What sport does Julie like?
  8. How old is Julie?
  9. Is T.J Julie's brother?
  10. What is the name of the store that Ms. Albright owns?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know American Girl Doll Julie Albright?