How well do you know America??

This quiz is About how well you know America.Is she unfriendly?Very soon you will be able to find out after taking this totally awesome quiz.Thanks for taking it!

la hi hey whacha doing im bored why are you taking this quiz???do you like music??i LOVE you watch a lot of tv????hey by the way take this quiz about America

Created by: America
  1. How long has America played horseland?
  2. What are America`s three nicknames?
  3. What is America`s all time fave drink?
  4. What is America`s Fave foods?
  5. What is America`s all-time fave candies?
  6. Who are America`s Best friends?
  7. Who are those who have crushed America`s heart?
  8. What is America`s fave colors?
  9. Does America horseback ride in real life?
  10. Is America currently In love with someone?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know America??