how well do you know All Time Low's lyrics

everyone likes different bands but do you like All Time Low and do you have what it takes to be there ultimate fan , take the quiz and find out you burritos

take the quiz and find out how well you know all times low's lyrics Good luck burritos , I guess its fairly easy if you know a lot of their songs ..

Created by: chantelle
  1. fill in the gaps i goy your picture I'm coming with you dear ................ count me in
  2. i feel like dancing tonight , i gonna party like its my ................, it doesn't matter where i dont care if people stare
  3. i feel like dancing tonight , i gonna party like its my ................, it doesn't matter where i dont care if people stare
  4. as we escape through the window , head for the .............., and never look back
  5. Should I write myself out of the ............... And mark a place in time for every chance you took?
  6. finish the lyrics I think some dude just grabbed my junk
  7. damned if i do ya .....
  8. maybe its not my weekend .......
  9. Two kids, no consequences.........
  10. Whiskey Princess Drink me under, pull me in ..........
  11. which song are these lyrics from so here we go again wishing we could start again
  12. This room's become a mausoleum, filled with relics of regret
  13. growing up with eyes glued shut
  14. what can i do ? i took it out on you
  15. at the end of the road - a road thats slowly crumbling

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Quiz topic: How well do I know All Time Low's lyrics