How well do you know alan becker and your stick figure

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Ok all I want you to do is answer a few questions about alan becker and you'll find out what your stick figure is by smartness.So good luck and don't make me mad!

Second is the highest ⬆⬆⬆ so try getting his score Yellow is next in line because he is so smart Purple is a file genius so don't worry because he is smart

Created by: Connie Goldsmith
  1. Who is the orange hollow head stick figure
  2. When is alan Becker's birthday
  3. When wafxbjjbvfdcfgv, 4,6!$!&!&)6(;tffffffxsxtfcygvggc5(?(;,(?
  4. Errr quizzer person
  5. What! you can see this
  6. You may of guessed but I'm yellow
  7. Anyway I better get going I promised second that I would help him bye
  8. Oh and here's your quiz back
  9. What year was animation vs animator made
  10. Who is the orange non hollow head stick figure
  11. Who is King's slave
  12. Who got possessed by herobrien sorry if this is not spelled correctly

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Quiz topic: How well do I know alan becker and my stick figure
