How Well Do You Know Akame And Esdeath

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This is a anime quizz about 2 characters in a anime called Akame Ga kill The Characters Are Akame & Esdeath one is evil one is good but there both assasins

imagaine your on a jorney to save your village and you come upon many troubles a woman stole your money and now your on the street and a lady offers you a home but should u chose to accept

Created by: AnimeFan4L
  1. Where Did Esdeath Grow Up
  2. What Color Is Akame's Eyes
  3. Where And Or What Is Esdeaths Imperial arm
  4. Where Or What Is Akame's Imperial Arm
  5. Which Group Is Akame In
  6. Whats Akame's Sisters Name
  7. Whats Esdeaths Sisters name
  8. What is Akame's Trump Card
  9. whats esdeaths trump card
  10. what color is esdeaths eyes

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Akame And Esdeath

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