How well do you know Aj lee

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(WWE Quiz) There are many people that know who Aj lee is, but, very few people know everything about her!!! I know everything about AJ. Favorite Color to Favorite Animal! Maybe that is you. Maybe it's not. Find out, on this quiz!!! Also, this quiz doesn't take that long!

Are you an Aj lee genius? Do you want to find out? Well, this is the quiz for YOU!!!!If your a 100% or a 2%, you still have the courage to even Take this Quiz!

Created by: jovibaby
  1. I know EVERYBODY asks this ?, but, What is Aj Lee's Favorite color?
  2. Aj's Husband?
  3. How tall is Aj Lee?
  4. Where is AJ from?
  5. Did aj lee go to college?
  6. What does "Aj" stand for?
  7. Aj's style?
  8. What is Aj's song title?
  9. What kind of pet does AJ have?
  10. What do YOU think Aj's net worth is?
  11. And finally, did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Aj lee