How well do you know aj

I hope you enjoy the quiz and be awesome too because you are awesome right now and i just want to be telling all of you guys you have to be too awesome for this quiz!

Dont worry about anything but quizzing bwcause that is my style and be cool in quizzing and for all the folks out there just be like me and im an awesome quizzer!

Created by: Sammy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you know what a beta is EXCACTLY?
  2. How do you get membership?
  3. If your new on aj what do you do?
  4. Do you know julian2?
  5. What is a jammer?
  6. Do you even know aj?
  7. What does aj snad for?
  8. How many animals are in aj?
  9. How do you get buddies?
  10. Why was aj created?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know aj