How well do YOU know ADIA?

So many people know of me, but how many of yall really know me...the real me?? Well, this is a quiz for old, and new friends who CLAIM they know me.....SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!

These are some questions, basic questions about me that any one who says yeah, she is my FRIEND should be able to answer!!! So, go ahead what u reading all this for...take the quiz already!

Created by: Adia

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Whats my favorite movie?
  2. What is my favorite color?
  3. What was the first college I attended?
  4. What is my daughters name?
  5. What is my favorite food?
  6. What size shoe do I wear?
  7. What male celebrity let me walk the Catwalk in his "custom made stilletos"?
  8. What rap star did I tag along with for years?
  9. What project did I live in as a child?
  10. What is one word I would use to describe myself?
  11. What did I name my car?
  12. What is my favorite drink?
  13. Whats my favorite holiday season?
  14. How many pairs of VERSACE shades do I own?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know ADIA?